ZENITH by Da'el

When Da'an asked her to come by his office Lili had a feeling it was personal. As they got closer she became more skilled in sensing this enigmatic Companion's moods. Although she could not guess what to expect she could not help looking forward to this meeting. And now, as she was listening to Da'an, her heart was racing.

--There is an experience beyond that. It is called Ffha reeuashh. There is no frame of reference in your language that would enable me to translate its meaning. It is… -- Da'an paused for a moment. -- … the ultimate completeness, the shearing of mind and matter, … of life force.

--Is it similar to shearing?

--In some ways it is. Yet you cannot compare those experiences in depth. It is as physical as it is spiritual.

Lili looked at him wide eyed.

--Yes, --Da'an answered her silent question. -- I believe we can share such an experience, but you must trust me completely.

--I trust you. -- whispered Lili.

Da'an gave her a long contemplative look. Than he turned his gaze to the virtual glass window. He looked at the beautiful view of the galaxy before him, than closed his eyes. Light, barely visible threads of energy patterns briefly appeared on his face. He turned to Lili again.

She took a deep breath and gave him her hand. First she felt the already familiar feel of Da'an's essence. It was an overwhelming sensation. She could not define it or explain it, yet it felt as clear to her as nothing she has ever known. It overflowed her own thoughts, and she basked in its richness and energy. Suddenly she felt a surge of energy going through her body. She gasped and opened her eyes. She realized she was on the floor, and Da'an's palms were pressed against hers. His hands were glowing blue, and the energy patterns were becoming visible on the rest of the alien. Soon his human facade was gone. Then she felt the patterns in her own body. She closed her eyes again. At first they were strange, indefinable threads streaming through her entire body. Then they grew in intensity-- an electrifying, engulfing, conscious force was surging to every cell of her being. -- flowing through her every nerve somewhere deeper, until Lili became aware of the new level of her existence. Her thoughts, feelings and sensations became one. She could physically feel every thought, emotion, dream, and she knew Da'an was feeling it too. Her essence was no longer elusive. It was becoming formed -- like Da'an's, and it was merging with his. The intensity of pleasure scared Lili: she felt loosing herself in this process. Yet her trust in Da'an swept away those fears, and she allowed herself to be completely engulfed by Da'an's life force.

When Lili finally opened eyes she saw that Da'an was sitting beside her. It took her few seconds to understand where she was. It was like she was slowly regaining conscience.

--How are you feeling? --Da'an looked concerned.

Lili could not find the words to answer him. Da'an understood. He smiled quietly and helped her up.

Jonathan Doors was returning to his office after a particularly successful campaign speech. Yet today he had difficulties concentrating on the election. He was informed that the project "Nemesis" was completed and the plan was ready for execution. Much have changed since the project was conceived. The pardon for the liberation members and its leader prevented them from executing this project, since now he had to restrain from illegal activities. Yet this opportunity should not be wasted. Luckily, Doors was not the man who burns all his bridges. There was another, secret chapter of the Resistance that existed without the knowledge of even the most high-ranking operatives. This division was composed primarily of scientists recruited by Doors. -The best scientists Humanity has to offer. Their only objective was "Nemesis" project. Now, that it was complete, it was a time to decide. Of course, after winning the election he could make things unpleasant for Taelons, but Humanity would still not have power to force Taelons to respect its decisions. The plan had to be followed through. However Doors would distance himself and known liberation associates from involvement-he needed to keep his options open.

He knew that everything was ready. The programs were uploaded and hidden in the mother ship processor. The pathways were restructured to allow override of the Taelon command codes. Iterdimensional portals' new program would be activated on command. Each Taelon shuttle included remote controlled devise that would instantly disable it. Best human minds have worked for months developing this technology, and operatives took many risks installing them into Taelon systems. Every aspect of the plan was reviewed hundreds of times. Yet the possibility that something could still go wrong could was quite real. Perhaps it was due to the difficulty of the task: taking over the mother ship and taking Taelon's as prisoners. Jonathan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It was perhaps the most important decision he ever had to make. Doors took out his global. "Operation "Nemesis" is to be executed tomorrow at sixteen hundred hours."-- he stated briefly. Than he terminated the connection and cleared global's memory.

He wished to be there tonight, with the people who are going to risk everything tomorrow for what may be Humanity's only chance at making Taelons change their agenda. But he realized that it was impossible since he was under constant surveillance. Jonathan turned down the lights and sat in his chair. He knew he could not sleep tonight.

E-mail me at dael@operamail.com

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